Pictured at Forum tables, Left to Right: Jailer Candidate Tim Cooper, Candidate for Magistrate (District 2) David DeAtley, PVA Candidate Bob Gossett, Judge Executive Candidate Larry Foxworthy, Forum Moderator Larry Gooding, Sheriff Candidate Scotty Royse, PVA Candidate Connie Crain, and Jailer Candidate Randy Hunt. Also pictured: Chamber Treasurer Dina Gooding reading the forum procedures and Vice-President Brian Leedy, who served as time-keeper.
On Tuesday, October 19, 2010, the Fleming County Chamber of Commerce and Fleming County Farm Bureau sponsored a "meet the candidates" breakfast and forum. This event was open to the general public as well as members of the Chamber or Farm Bureau. Candidates who participated in the forum had two minutes to answer a question they chose by random draw that morning, and then another two minutes to either respond to their opponent's question or to give a summary statement. After the official forum questions had been answered, moderator Larry Gooding opened the floor to questions from the audience.
The Chamber and Farm Bureau would like to thank the candidates who participated: incumbent Larry Foxworthy, running for Judge-Executive; incumbent Scotty Royse, running for Sheriff; incumbent David DeAtley, running for Magistrate in District 2; incumbent Connie Crain, running for PVA; Bob Gossett, running for PVA; Tim Cooper, running for Jailer; and Randy Hunt, running for Jailer. We would also like to thank State Representative Mike Denham for joining us at this event. Also, our thanks to Hinton Mills, Cafe deMorales and Ken's New Market for the delicious coffee and donuts we enjoyed and to Double S Entertainment for letting us use their facility for this event.
We urge all registered voters to visit the polls on November 2nd and vote for the candidates of your choice. Your vote counts!